it is such A blessinG to
Meet you All!
i loVe to exploRe MoMents
thAt suRRound the pAst,
pResent, + futuRe.
eAch inteRVAl of liGht + tiMe
blends into A dAnce With
AnotheR, suRRounded by the
fRequencies of MAny stoRies
MoVinG in theiR oWn unique pAce.
it is fAscinAtinG hoW All
enviRonMents ARe constAnt
yet in continuAl Motion.
. -.-. -.-. .-.. . ... .. .- ... - . ... / .---- ---... -.... -....- --...
sendinG love ♡
- AhlyxAndRA
instAGRAM: @AhlyxAndRA
- ̗̀ b R A n d s ̖́-
buReAu betAk
(botteGA VenetA)
docuMent jouRnAl
GAbRielA heARst
hAnsoll textile ltd.
MAiA AGency
(Miu Miu, MoncleR, tAsoni, tods, etc.)
noRA noh
(fossil, juicy, kAte spAde,
kuRt GeiGeR, + RAG & bone)
seA ny
+ more
- ̗̀ e d u c A t i o n ̖́-
the neW school AluMni
pARsons school of desiGn +
euGene lAnG colleGe of
libeRAl ARts
- ̗̀ e d u c A t i o n ̖́-
the neW school AluMni
pARsons school of desiGn +
euGene lAnG colleGe of
libeRAl ARts